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After exploring Jordan, Steve and Sally flew to Tel Aviv, Israel and spent the next five days touring with Isramworld, a company that specializes in Israel.    They stayed at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem,    While in Jerusalem they visited the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, toured the Jewish Quarter, explored the excavated Cardo, once a main street of Byzantine Jerusalem and visited the Wohl Archeological Museum.  They went to the Temple Mount, saw the remaining Western “Wailing” Wall which is the holiest site in Judaism.   They went to the Dome of the Rock, visited the Crusader Church of St. Anne, the Pool of Bethesda (were Jesus healed the lame man), Pilate’s Judgment Hall and the Chapel of Flagellation.  They drove to the Mount of Olives, visited the Hadassah Medical Center, drove to Yad Vashem a memorial to the Holocaust and visited Mount Herzl where Israel’s military heroes are laid to rest.  They also visited Bethlehem’s historic sites and drove to Caesarea.

The Western Wall is also known as the Wailing Wall (above and to the right) and is located in the Old City of Jerusalem. It is the section of the supporting wall of the Temple Mount which has remained intact since the destruction of the Second Jerusalem Temple.   It is a very sacred spot in Jewish history.   

The Dome of the Rock is holy to Islam is situated on the Temple Mount where Abraham was to sacrifice Isaac.  

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